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¤ýÀÛ¼ºÀÏ 2015-01-05 (¿ù) 10:20
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Find Your True Life in Jesus
Find Your True Life in Jesus
Matthew 10:5-42
Key Verse: 10:37-38

"Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

Today¡¯s passage can be broken down into two parts.  The first part, verses 5-15 deals with Jesus instructions to his disciple as he prepares to send them out on their first mission journey.  This journey would be relatively short and the audience would be limited to the Jews of the region of Galilee.  The message that they would be preaching would the same message John the Baptist and Jesus preached at the beginning of their ministries, ¡°[Repent] for the kingdom of heaven is near.¡±  His instructions were pretty strange, but they were intended to teach the disciples a very important lesson: trust in God and do his work and God will provide everything that is needed.

In 10:16-42, Jesus gives general instructions for future ministry. Jesus honestly foretold that many kinds of persecutions would come. Persecution accompanies gospel ministry like shadows follow the sunlight. St. Paul said, "...everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.¡± Jesus also expanded the scope of the disciples' ministry to the Gentile world. This part is relevant to us. Jesus teaches us how we can accomplish his gospel ministry today.  First we need to overcome fear by fearing God not man.  The key to this is to love Jesus more than anything else.  We need to love him even more than our own life.  If we can do this, Jesus promises us that we will find true life in him.  May God help us to overcome our fears, love Jesus with all our hearts, minds and strength and find true life in serving Jesus and others.

I. Jesus sends out the twelve (5-15)

Verses 5 to 15 are Jesus¡¯ instructions for his twelve disciples as he prepares to send them out into the harvest fields that he talked about at the end of chapter 9.  Jesus first tells them not to go among the Gentiles or Samarians, but just to go to the lost sheep of Israel.  Jesus knew that this was their first mission trip experience, and he probably wanted them to stay in areas where they felt comfortable. Later persecutions would come and they would be scattered among the Samaritans and Gentiles, but for now they needed to stay close to home. In verse seven Jesus gives them a very simple message to preach, ¡°The kingdom of heaven is near.¡±  This is precisely the message that John the Baptist and Jesus, himself preached when they began their ministries.  This simple message is the foundation upon which we can build.  It is the starting point of faith. Next, Jesus goes on to tell them what they could and couldn¡¯t bring with them and where they were to stay during their trip.  It seems odd, but Jesus told them not to take anything with them and to stay at a ¡°worthy person¡¯s¡± house in each village. They wouldn¡¯t have any money to rent a hotel room, so they had to be completely dependent on strangers for lodging and food.  Jesus gave them these instructions so that they would learn to depend on God and know that a worker for God will be taken care of by God.  Finally Jesus tells them that the message they were bringing to the various towns was a message that would determine the fate of the town.  If the town accepted Jesus¡¯ messengers the peace of Jesus and his messenger would remain on that town.  However, if the people did not accept the message their fate would be worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

II. Be wise and innocent (16-25)

Look at verse 16a. "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves." Jesus wanted his disciples to accurately assess their situation: they were like sheep among wolves. Sheep are pure and innocent, and at the same time vulnerable. Wolves are crafty, cunning and fearsome. Wolves are quick to sense weakness and exploit it. When sheep confront wolves, the wolves will win every time. The world is full of wolves. They think of sheep as delicious dinner. In order to survive, they deceive and exploit others for their own benefit. They are willing to destroy God's servants for their own gain. Jesus worried that his disciples would be hurt, wounded, even devoured by wolves. However, Jesus did not keep them from going. He sent them out into the world. Jesus wanted them to become warriors of faith who would preach the gospel boldly. Jesus had great faith.

Jesus told them in verse 16b, "Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." The word "shrewd" can be translated "wise." Jesus wants his disciples to learn from the snake and the dove. Both of these animals have a good side and a bad side. The disciples should learn their good side but not their bad side. They should learn wisdom from the snake, but not deviousness. They should learn innocence from the dove, but not stupidity. Snakes blend in with their environment, observe a situation carefully, and then strike suddenly and fatally, swallowing their adversary. We may hate snakes, but we need to learn from their wisdom.

However, in the course of learning from snakes, we should not lose purity and become evil. So Jesus said that we must also be as innocent as a dove. Doves are known to be innocent, pure, and faithful to their partners throughout their lifetime. Jesus' disciples must be wise and innocent. When confronting difficulties we should handle them in such a way that advances the kingdom of God. While doing so, we should not lose purity, but have a clear conscience before God and pure gospel faith. The Christian influence comes from keeping purity without compromise. The prophet Daniel is a good example. When he was taken to Babylon as a prisoner, many wolves were waiting to devour him. It seemed impossible for him to keep his purity as one of God's chosen people. But when he decided to do so, God gave him wisdom to overcome all the difficulties. In this way he could become a great, influential man of God in a hostile environment.

After teaching his disciples this general principle, Jesus foretold the kinds of persecution they would encounter. It would start with Jewish religious leaders in the synagogues, and move onto  secular Gentile leaders. In the time of persecution, what should they do? They should use their trials as opportunities to witness to Jesus. They should not worry about how they would handle persecution. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with them (19-20). The Holy Spirit would give them wisdom and courage to testify about Jesus.

Here we learn that the Holy Spirit is the source of wisdom and courage. This wisdom is not worldly wisdom, but heavenly wisdom. The courage the Holy Spirit gives is not the boldness of a human will; it is divine strength from heaven. We can see it in Apostles Peter and John before the Sanhedrin. Though they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were so wise, bold and courageous that the esteemed Sanhedrin became helpless, and had to let them go. We can also see it in the Apostle Paul during his various trials before governors and kings. When we depend on the Holy Spirit, he will give us heavenly wisdom and divine courage to overcome all kinds of challenges and enable us to share the gospel boldly.

In verse 21 Jesus warned of another kind of persecution to come. It was from family members. In addition, his disciples would be generally hated by everyone because of Jesus. As we know, the bonds between family members are the strongest in this world. When persecution comes through one's family, it is most painful to endure. Jesus' disciples may be tempted to compromise and deny their faith. But Jesus promised that when his disciples stand firm to the end, they will be saved.

In verse 23 Jesus gave his disciples another strategy in times of persecution: flee. There is a saying, "He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day." Jesus implies that as they flee, they are to preach the gospel. After Stephen's martyrdom, the early church members scattered due to persecution. As they went, they preached the gospel. Through these fleeing preachers, Samaria was evangelized. Soon, the church at Antioch was born, which became the headquarters of world mission.

In verses 24-25 Jesus emphasized that since he--our teacher and master--was persecuted, so his disciples would be persecuted. It is to be expected, and we should not be surprised when it happens. Persecution is participation in the sufferings of Christ. Persecution helps us grow in Christian character. Moreover, it results in sharing in Christ's glory. 1 Peter 4:12-13 say, "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." In part one, we learn that Jesus sends his disciples into a dangerous world. However, the Holy Spirit helps us be wise and innocent. Then God can use us to advance his kingdom. Let's accept Jesus' challenge and pray for the Holy Spirit's help.

III. Fear only God (26-33)

When persecuted in an anti-Christian society, it is easy for Jesus' people to fall into fear. However, we do not need to be afraid. Jesus repeated the phrase, "do not be afraid" three times in this section (26,28,31). In verses 26-33, Jesus explains why we should not be afraid.

First, the truth will triumph in the end (26-27). Persecutors carry out unjust and evil deeds in secret, as though they will never be accountable. However, Jesus said, "there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known" (26). After the Jewish religious leaders carried out the terrible injustice of killing Jesus, he was buried. His tomb was sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers. They wanted to bury the truth about Jesus along with his body. However, Almighty God raised Jesus from the dead. The Risen Christ appeared to many witnesses, who were so changed by meeting him that they willingly gave their lives to share his message. The truth about Jesus, including his sacrificial death and glorious resurrection is now known to the world. Jesus is the Truth that cannot be suppressed. Persecution may last for a season, but truth will triumph in the end. This gives us confidence and a sense of final victory. Let's proclaim the gospel truth boldly (27).

Second, God is the Eternal Judge (28). Look at verse 28. "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Persecutors try to intimidate Christians with physical violence. However, they have no power over one's soul. Persecutors, no matter how harsh, have only a temporary and limited power. Jesus showed us by his example that we have nothing to fear from those who kill the body. Jesus suffered and died at the hands of his persecutors, but he overcame this and won the victory in the end. When Jesus rules our hearts, we are free from the fear of death.

God is the Eternal Judge. God decides whether each person goes to heaven or to hell. God's power is almighty and his judgment stands forever. Therefore, God is the one we should fear. When we truly fear God, we need fear nothing else. Before Peter feared God, he was very afraid of people. When he felt threatened, he could not testify truthfully about Jesus, even before a servant girl. But after he met the Risen Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit, he could see God Almighty. He became a man of courage and wisdom who could lead the early church during times of fierce persecution.

Third, God our Ruler protects his children (29-33). Verses 29-30 tell us that God is concerned about each sparrow that falls to the ground. Furthermore, God is concerned about each person he created; God even knows the number of hairs on our heads. Jesus wants us to know that God is the Sovereign Ruler of all. Our God does not use his power to crush sinners. In his great mercy he uses his power to save his children, purify us, raise us in his image, and use us for his glorious salvation work. God may send us into danger. But he will be with us to rule over us and the situation for his own great purpose. We should know that God reigns over each one of our lives, and over our community. We are in God's hand. God loves us, and considers us most precious. God protects us. Nothing can happen to us that he does not allow, and if he allows it, it is for our ultimate good, though it may take a while to see the fruit. David Livingstone said, "We will never die until our mission from God has been fulfilled." Therefore we should not be fearful. Jesus said in verse 31, "So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

If we are gripped with fear, we can compromise and deny our faith. This is a serious matter. Jesus said, "...whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven" (33). If Jesus disowns us in the final judgment, there is no way to be saved. On the other hand, when we acknowledge Jesus before others, Jesus acknowledges us before the Father in heaven. Therefore we must acknowledge Jesus at any cost. Then our Lord Jesus will give us the crown of victory.

IV. Love Jesus most (34-42)

Look at verse 34. Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword. Sometimes Jesus' words seem contradictory. The Bible says that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, who brings peace on earth. Jesus told his disciples in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.¡± Yet in verses 34-36, Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace, but a sword, for he would turn close family members against each other. This does not mean that Jesus tries to break up families. It means that families will be divided based on how each member responds to Jesus. When I was younger my mother and older brother did not object when indulged in parties, drugs and women, but when I believed in Jesus and began to try and live a holy life, they persecuted me.  This kind of conflict is inevitable. In order to have the true peace that the gospel brings, false peace should be exposed and rooted out. True peace comes through conflict with the power of sin and death. We can bear this conflict when it comes from enemies. But it is hard to bear when it comes through close family members. Jesus said, "...a man's enemies will be the members of his own household" (36).

Look at verses 37-38. "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me." The key word here is "me," meaning Jesus. When anyone accepts Jesus as King, he or she will have conflicts with parents, children, and even within oneself. To Jesus, the issue is who we love most at such times. Of course, we love our parents, we love our children, and we love ourselves. This is very natural. But we should not love these more than Jesus. When we love these more than Jesus, we are idol worshipers who will suffer from anxiety, sorrow and strife. Jesus alone is worthy of our first love, for he is in very nature God, the author of life and our only Savior, who gave himself for us. So we should love Jesus a little more than anyone else. We must have a Jesus-centered value system.

Look at verses 38 & 39. "Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." This is not theory but reality. If we try to find our life in the things of this world, we will eventually lose it because we are all going to die. However, life in Jesus is much different. Jesus gave his own life to save us; to forgive our sins and gives us eternal life in paradise. Likewise, Jesus wants us to give our lives for him. Then we can have a deep, life-giving love relationship. When we sacrifice everything, even our lives, for Jesus, then we gain everything, especially eternal life.

In this passage we have seen that our Lord Jesus sends his disciples into this dangerous world to share the gospel with people. Jesus knows that his disciples are weak. Jesus knows that they will face cultural differences, misunderstandings, persecution, and all kinds of hardships. But Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will be with them. Jesus promises God's protection, final victory, and eternal life. So we do not need to be afraid of people, or the hostile environment. We should fear only God the Eternal Judge. We should fix our eyes on him, who controls everything according to his wisdom and purpose. Also, we should love Jesus more than anything or anyone. He will give us eternal life. This is the way of true success in our lives and ministries.    
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30 You are to be my holy people. 2991
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27 Know that God is LORD 3739
26 I Will Pass Over You 853
25 My Name Will be Proclaimed in all the Earth 1221
24 Now Go; I Will Teach You What to Say 735
23 I AM WHO I AM 566
21 The Call of Discipleship 1235
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18 The Risen Christ 552
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16 Here is Your King 698
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14 ¡°Shall I Not Drink the Cup?¡± 942
13 So That Your Joy may be Complete 1240
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9 A New Command 814
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7 The Principle of the Kernel of Wheat 878
6 Jesus Enters Jerusalem as King 964
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4 God Accomplishes His Work 704
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1 No One can Snatch Them out of My Hand [1] 885